Complete the Myriad grid so that all the rows and columns, and all squares of the same colour, contain the numbers 1 to 7.
Place the numbers 1 to 9 in the cells so that the number in each circle is equal to the sum of the four surrounding cells and each colour total is correct.
Place the digits 1-9 in the spaces so that the number in each circle is equal to the sum of the four surrounding spaces.
Enter number into the squares so that every row, column and corner-tocorner diagonal adds up to the given total.
Complete the Number Square so that the numbers 1 to 25 are all in the grid, and all rows and columns add up to the totals indicated to the right and below.
©Guy Campbell. Dist. Knight Features
Complete the six equations, three across and three downwards, by fitting all the digits from 1 to 9 into the empty green squares.
In order to crack open the safe solve the six digit code. You are given six clues. The letters can be any number between 0-6.
Can you solve this arithmetic task? The same symbols signify the same
figures. By logical thinking and trying out you come to the solution. A lot
of success!
Fit the given numbers into the hexagons so that where the hexagons touch, the numbers will be the same. No number is repeated in any hexagon.
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1-9 inclusive.
Levels 1-5. Available daily.
©DJB. Dist. Knight Features. All rights reserved.
Complete the grid so that every row, column and coloured box contains every digit from 1-9 inclusive.
©DJB. Dist. Knight Features. All rights reserved.
Usual sudoku rules apply. Also, 1 to 9 appears in the four shaded
3x3 squares.
Formats available: tif
Frequency/Availability: Weekly
Each row, column and irregular shaped area contains 1 to 9.
Formats available: tif
Frequency/Availability: Weekly
Fill in the grid so that every row, column and coloured box contains ALL the numbers from 1 to 6. Each puzzle has a bonus clue to get you started!
Formats available: tif
Frequency/Availability: Daily
Classic Sudoku too small? Try the Monster!
Formats available: tif
Frequency/Availability: Weekly
Usual sudoku rules apply. Also, the main diagonals (shaded) contain 1 to 9
Formats available: tif
Frequency/Availability: Daily
Four Sudoku puzzles joined by a common edge.
Formats available: tif
Frequency/Availability: Daily
© JFS/Knight Features
Usual sudoku rules apply. Also, 1 to 3 appears in the normal squares,
4 to 6 in the dashed circles and 7 to 9 in the dashed squares.
Formats available: tif
Frequency/Availability: Weekly